Mahale Mountains National Park
The park, like its northern neighbor Gombe, is home to some of Africa’s last remaining wild chimpanzees, with a population of more than 800. A Japanese research study started in the 1960s has helped these chimpanzees become accustomed to human visitors.
Mahale is a town in Western Tanzania, south of the town of Kigoma. It borders Lake Tanganyika, the longest, second-deepest, and least polluted freshwater lake in the world, which is home to an estimated 1,000 different fish species.
Best time to visit the park
The ideal time is during the dry season (May to October). Chimpanzees are frequently spotted in large groups around this time, the sun shines on the lake’s fish, and the beach is a relaxing place to be. Mahale Mountains National Park, on the other hand, is open all year long.
A trip during the rainy season might also be an unforgettable one because to the magnificent lightning storms that light up the lake at night and the views of the neighboring DR Congo across the water.
Tourist attractions
• The chimpanzees
• Chain of the mountain (Mahale range)
• Forest fauna and flora (Angola colobus,red colobus,red and blue tailed monkey,forest birds,alpine bamboo, and montane rain forest)
• Beaches along Lake Tanganyika
• Local fishermen
• Sunset on the Lake horizon
What to do
• Chimp tracking
• Hiking to the parks highest point
• Camping safaris
• Snorkeling
• Sports fishing and many more sports
Parks accecibility
Mahale is reachable by road, air, and sea. Most travelers and chimp lovers can find a flight, automobile, or boat that suits them.
Direct flights to mahale
This is the most direct route to Mahale. The three tour companies with camps in Mahale plan frequent flights between the park and Arusha town during the busiest travel season (June to October). Twice weekly flights come and depart from October through March. There are no planned flights between March, April, and the first half of May due to camp closures.
However, travelers also have the option of booking their own charter flights. Tanzania is home to numerous charter flight providers, including, but not limited to, Air Excel, Northern Air, and Regional Air. Private charters can be scheduled from Arusha, Kilimanjaro, Dar es Salaam, Mwanza, or Zanzibar, which are all important cities.
Only light aircraft with a maximum carrying capacity of 12 passengers should use Mahale’s airstrip.